It made eating anything with tomato, vinegar, or spices intolerably painful..If left untreated, oral thrush . The dreaded cold sore has made its annual appearance :( I`m quite lucky only get 1 on my top lip, looks like I`ve had Botox lol. There are about 8 bumps& . By the time high school rolled around, those seemingly promising small bumps weren`t much different...At some point in grade school I started suffering with canker sores in my mouth
tiny white sores in my mouth
so yesterday i noticed i had these like little blisters>?? i dont even know if id call them that, like a tiny ball, they didnt really hurt i just had one or two of them and played with them with my tongue and they popped and went& . So I kept biting my tounge, After a while the little (urrg a name from them?) pink things on my tounge& . .HELP!! I have "canker" sores in my mouth.....
.....Yes blisters, and lots of them.My mouth is still sore and I have some strange tingling that I pray will go away very soon! .. Knowing my skin can be sensitive I should have known better than to put a new after wax oil on, but what could possibly go wrong?? Oh I don`t know cracked oozing sores surrounding my mouth,&
Yes blisters, and lots of them.My mouth is still sore and I have some strange tingling that I pray will go away very soon! .. Knowing my skin can be sensitive I should have known better than to put a new after wax oil on, but what could possibly go wrong?? Oh I don`t know cracked oozing sores surrounding my mouth,& .I performed unprotected oral sex on someone once 3 weeks ago, and in the last week have noticed small, flat white bumps on the back of my tongue (although in the picture below, they look pinkish). It`s filled with chicken and white beans and flavored with green chilis and cumin. The sun causes mine. Many of my favorite foods just stung too much for me to be& .
It`s filled with chicken and white beans and flavored with green chilis and cumin. The sun causes mine. Many of my favorite foods just stung too much for me to be& ... It made eating anything with tomato, vinegar, or spices intolerably painful..If left untreated, oral thrush . The dreaded cold sore has made its annual appearance :( I`m quite lucky only get 1 on my top lip, looks like I`ve had Botox lol
It made eating anything with tomato, vinegar, or spices intolerably painful..If left untreated, oral thrush . The dreaded cold sore has made its annual appearance :( I`m quite lucky only get 1 on my top lip, looks like I`ve had Botox lol. There are about 8 bumps& . By the time high school rolled around, those seemingly promising small bumps weren`t much different...At some point in grade school I started suffering with canker sores in my mouth
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- Oct 31 Thu 2013 20:50
Tiny White Sores In My Mouth
Tiny White Sores In My Mouth